UGC entitlement letter to offer Online Programmes

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of the frequently asked questions about the Online Programmes of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University are answered below. If you would like more information about a specific topic, direct your questions to the Help Desk, Centre for Online Education at

The Regulation 22 of the University Grants Commission (Open and Distance Learning Programmes and Online Programmes) Regulations, 2O2O stipulates as under;

"Equivalence of qualification acquired through Conventioaal or Open and Distance Learning and Online modes. -Degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level in conformity with UGC notification on Specification of Degrees, 2014 and, the post graduate diplomas awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode and/or Online mode by Higher Educational Institutions, recognised by the Commission under these regulations, shall be treated as equivalent to the corresponding awards of the Degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level and post graduate diplomas offered through conventional mode." Download Public Notice:UGC

You will need a computer, a high speed Internet connection, a newer version of a web browser, and access to common tools and software like word processors, email, etc. Some courses may have other software or technology requirements as well.

Instructors stay in touch with their Online Programmes Learners in a variety of ways, depending on the course design. Your instructor will explain the best way to reach him or her within the course home pages. You may communicate with your instructor through discussion groups, bulletin boards, chat rooms, assignment submissions, through email, or by telephone.

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